Visiting Waco, Texas: 10 Things You Should Know

Are you planning on visiting Waco, Texas? While Waco may have been put on the map by the Branch Davidians and the TV show Fixer Upper, there is so much to do in Waco that has nothing to do with either cults or shopping for home decor! In fact, on my recent trip to Waco, I didn’t even do any shopping! This post includes ten things you should know about Waco, including some interesting local history, practicalities of planning your visit, and things to do while you’re in town!
Here’s a video of my recent trip through Waco, Texas:
1. Waco was the only place in Texas that had legalized prostitution.
At one point, Waco was the second city in the entire United States to actually legalize prostitution. In fact, Waco’s 1871 charter actually regulated prostitution, requiring ladies of the night to sign what was called the Bawdy House Register, pay a $10 licensing fee every three months, and see doctors regularly. Known as “the Reservation,” Waco’s red-light district on Second Street brought in thousands of dollars in revenue to the city.
It wasn’t until 1917 when the federal government was trying to limit soldiers’ exposure to STDs and threatened to pull forces out of the nearby Camp MacArthur that Waco finally shut down the Reservation. Click here to read more about this fascinating part of Waco’s history.
2. The Waco Suspension Bridge was the first bridge to cross the Brazos River
Built in 1870, this impressive feat of engineering was originally intended to be a toll bridge across the Brazos. At that point in time, the choices to cross the river were either by expensive ferry or by fording the river. Once the bridge was built, it served as a way for the cattleherders of the day to safely cross the river, and the city made bucket loads of money off of them. Today, it is a free footbridge that is fun to just walk across. Click here for more information on the suspension bridge.
3. Parking in Waco is going to be EXPENSIVE anywhere near the Magnolia Siloes
Even if you’re not going to the Magnolia Siloes, parking anywhere near the store will be difficult to find or expensive, so be prepared to either pay $10 or drive around for a while looking for a place to parallel park. I was there on a Saturday before 9am and managed to find street parking about three blocks from the Siloes, but by the time I left a couple of hours later, there was almost no street parking to be found.
4. There are free shuttles all over downtown Waco
Depending on where you finally find parking, you may want to take advantage of the shuttle system throughout Waco. Click here for more information on this free service.
5. The Waco Downtown Farmer’s Market on Saturdays is delightful
If you’re in town on a Saturday, definitely check out the Waco Downtown Farmer’s Market! It had an impressive number of tents when I was there and a bustling energy that definitely made me like the people of Waco. Five stars, would recommend.
6. The Dr. Pepper Museum is also in downtown Waco
While I didn’t take the tour when I was in town, I hear the Dr. Pepper Museum is interesting and you get free soda at the end.
7. Check out the Waco Mammoth National Monument
FOSSILS, Y’ALL! One of my favorite parts of visiting Waco was the Waco Mammoth National Monument. The grounds were beautiful, and the tour was short (only about 45 mins) and fascinating, including information on the history and excavation of the mammoths and what scientists have discovered based on the fossil placement. Super interesting.
8. Waco parks are beautiful
In addition to the national monument, I was so impressed by the natural beauty in the Waco area. The parks are gorgeous, and I had to stop at the Brazos Park East when I drove by just to marvel at the texture of the area.
9. You can do paddle board yoga in Waco on the Brazos River!
If you want to really branch out and try something different, check out Pura Vida Paddle to try paddle boarding or paddle board yoga on the Brazos River. It was such a great way to see Waco from a different angle, plus it was an adventurous way to get a little exercise out in the sun. I loved my visit to Waco, but this was definitely my favorite part!
10. The Waco Heart o’ Texas Rodeo is in October
If you’re visiting Waco in October, check out the Heart o’ Texas Rodeo to watch rodeo performers as well as check out the shopping, fair food, and musical numbers. (Having been numerous times to the Houston Rodeo, I would recommend you go to a rodeo at least once in your life. It’s definitely an experience you’ll remember.)
And there you go! 10 things to know before visiting Waco, Texas! What else do you love about the Heart of Texas? Leave me a comment and let me know! – Lindsay
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