Should You Go on a Road Trip This Summer?

Are you starting to think about planning your summer vacation? Road trips are great, but they aren’t for everyone (or every trip). Here are six questions to ask yourself before you decide to take a road trip to make sure it’s the best decision for you (including a handy dandy decision tree to make the process as easy as possible!).

Should You Go on a Road Trip This Summer? | Road Trip Soul

1. Have you been on a road trip before?

If so, did you enjoy it? If not, are you willing to try again? Just because you’ve never been on a road trip before (or you’ve been on one and didn’t love it) doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go on one this summer. It’s all about your mindset–what are you trying to accomplish, and how open is your mind?

16 Benefits of a Road Trip | Road Trip Soul
Check out these 16 benefits of a road trip to help you make up your mind!

2. Do you have a destination already in mind?

Do you already have somewhere you’re planning to go? Can you drive there? If not, then a road trip obviously isn’t a great option. (For example, I have a trip planned to Tulum, Mexico this summer, which is somewhere I could technically drive to, but I just really don’t want to.)

How to Decide Where to Go on a Road Trip | Road Trip Soul
Check out this guide on how to decide where to go if you don’t already have a destination in mind!

3. Do you have access to a reliable car?

Car breakdowns are one of the most stressful parts of a road trip. If you don’t have a car (or don’t trust your car to go long distances), you could always consider renting a car for the trip! This would eliminate the need to get basic maintenance done on your car ahead of time, as well as avoid putting mileage on your vehicle. Just take the added cost into account!

7 Ways to Travel Without a Car | Road Trip Soul
Don’t have a car? Here are 7 alternatives to the traditional road trip.

4. Are you on a tight budget?

If you are, a road trip might be perfect! Depending on where you’re going, where you’re staying, and how many people are going with you, a road trip is a great budget option for a vacation (assuming you have a car!)

Need to plan a road trip on a budget? Check out this post on how I do it!

5. Are you traveling alone?

Being a solo traveler doesn’t rule out going on a road trip! While there may be things holding you back from taking the solo road trip adventure of your life, don’t rule out a road trip just because you would be on the road alone.

Considering a solo road trip? Here are ten reasons you should go!

6. Are you traveling with people who would enjoy a road trip and are fun to be with?

If so, a road trip is a great way to make memories! Just be sure you’re on the same page before you leave!


So what did you decide? Are you going on a road trip? 🙂 – Lindsay


2 thoughts on “Should You Go on a Road Trip This Summer?

  1. Love the infographic!

    And you made some very valid points on why or why not someone might not enjoy a road trip!

    1. Thank you! And as much as I love road trips, I know they’re definitely not for everyone haha!

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