How to Make an Emergency Laundry Kit

Are you planning to be on the road and need a way to wash your clothing? One of the hardest parts of carlife is keeping your clothes clean without easy access to a washer and dryer. My solution? Carry an emergency laundry kit with me whenever I’m on the road! This post will tell you what you should include in your emergency laundry kit to make sure you’re ready for anything!
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What to Include in Your Emergency Laundry Kit:
– Scrubba Wash Bag – $50
This isn’t in the video above, but if you don’t have a basin or large pan you can take camping and you won’t have access to a sink, take a Scrubba Wash Bag for portable laundry! LOVE THIS.
– Five Dollars’ Worth of Quarters
Five dollars should be enough to wash and dry a single load of laundry in a laundromat, so be ready with your quarters!
– Stain Remover Wipes – $8 for 12
Are you suuuuure you need to wash that clothing? Maybe not if you can just wipe out the stain. This is why stain remover wipes are critical to the emergency laundry kit.
– Laundry Soap Packs – $5 for 10
Save money on the road by bringing your own individual laundry soap packs! If you stop at a laundromat, it can be up to $1-2 per load for laundry detergent, so bring along your own soap in your emergency laundry kit.
– Dryer Sheets– 70 for $3
Make sure your clothes end up soft by including a dryer sheet or two in your emergency laundry kit.
– Sink Stopper – $7
If you want to be ready to do laundry in a sink (like in a hostel or while on a road trip), a sink stopper is a must-have in an emergency laundry kit. Use this to fill up a sink with warm water so you can let your clothing soak, or just to give yourself plenty of water to scrub with! Speaking of scrubbing….
– Nail brush – $7
Nail brushes are good for more than washing your hands! Tuck one of these bad boys into your emergency laundry kit to give yourself something to scrub at stubborn stains.
– Bungee Cord(s) – 10 for $12
Bungee cord(s) are just good to have in your car for a variety of reasons, but they make excellent clotheslines in your emergency laundry kit to hang across the rear handles of your car if you need to hang dry any clothes.
– String – $6
My emergency laundry kit doesn’t have any kind of fancy clothesline, it just has 6″ of regular kitchen string. You do you, though. 🙂
– Clothespins – 24 for $7
I threw a couple of clothespins in my emergency laundry kit so I can pin up any clothing items that need to dry.
– Suction cups – 4 for $7
Finally, consider bringing some suction cups so you can attach your string to a variety of surfaces if you’re not in your car when you need to dry your clothing.
And there you go! Get a little bag to hold it all, and you have your very own emergency laundry kit! Leave me a comment to let me know what you think. 🙂 – Lindsay
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